The workers’ compensation private investigation is a process that you will have to deal with if you file a claim for your injury. In addition to caring for your injury, you’ll have to relive the traumatic moment when you provide your account to your employer. Unfortunately, your employer isn’t the only authority you have to answer to.
Workers Compensation and the Process
You’ll also likely need to communicate with the claims adjuster handling the insurance side of your claim. It surprises people to learn that their employer’s insurer — or even their employer themselves — may also investigate to verify their injury claim. If someone is investigating you after you filed a workers’ compensation claim. Then, here’s what you can expect from the process.
Surveillance Conducted Online
Investigators will not start with your home. Instead, they will focus on social media. They want to ensure that you aren’t posting skydiving selfies 24 hours after claiming that you broke your leg. It is reasonable, but it’s important to note that other content on your profile could be used against you, too. Did you take a road trip shortly after requesting time off work for recovery? Did your injury coincide with your birthday celebration? An investigator will be asking questions like these as they peruse your social media. Thus, you should avoid any appearance of impropriety.
Surveillance Conducted via Video
In addition to surveillance conducted online, an investigator may also conduct in-person surveillance via video. It might seem intrusive and disquieting to learn that you’ve been followed and photographed without your knowledge or consent. In many cases, though, this is a standard part of a workers’ comp claim investigation. The surveillant wants to verify that you are as injured as you claim to be.
Communication via Interview
An insurer or employer will typically interview you to obtain your version of events and have a formal statement on file. During your interview, it’s essential to answer all questions honestly and thoroughly. They will likely compare your answers to those given by coworkers who witnessed the accident and the footage from the incident if there were video cameras. If you say anything that contradicts other testimony, this will likely be a red flag for the investigator.
Interviews With Your Associates
In many cases, your employer or employer’s insurer will also conduct interviews with other on-site employees at the time of your injury. The investigator will ask them about the events leading up to your injury, the accident that caused it, and your reaction immediately following the injury. The information your colleagues provide may help to determine whether you’re accurately representing the information contained in your claim.
About InsureMyWorkComp
InsureMyWorkComp is a digital brokerage that helps clients find the right workers’ compensation solution for their business needs. Unlike other online platforms, we will help you to work with an agent who can provide you the right solution for your risk profile. Our staff has over 50 years of workers’ compensation underwriting and sales experience, and we are confident that we will provide you the support that you need. For more information or to get a quote, contact us today at (855) 340-9138.